art class

Do Art Classes Really Help Your Child Become Creative?

art class

Creativity is a by birth trait for humans. It is why we see children being more creative than adults in many ways. As we move in life and fall into its routine, we forget to nurture our creative side. But fortunately, there are many ways where we can nurture creativity in children.

Ways to encourage creativity in children include:

• Arranging art classes for kids

• Encouraging them to speak on various topics

• Cultivating book reading habit from a young age

• Teaching them crafts, DIYs, and such hobbies.

Here are how art classes help children’s creativity:

Stimulates brain functionality

Studies prove that art can stimulate both sides of the brain. We know that the brain contains various key functions for the proper activity of our body. Making children draw art can help protect their brain and hence their overall physical and mental health.

Way of visual learning

According to instructional designing, there are various types of learners among children. While some kids prefer to learn by listening, some love knowing new things by practice. Others, learn by seeing and visual sense. Thus, children who are visual learners gain a lot more benefits by attending art classes for kids. Arts benefit other children too who are slow learners to pick up pace in learning.

Helps grasp maths and science fast

Do you know that by sending your children to specially crafted art classes for kids, you are indirectly easing their science and math grasping? Yes, studies prove that children who are good at art can learn science and math easily. Want a better reason to send your children to art classes? Well, we guess not!

Stimulates their senses

Children’s senses are in the budding stage. They need visual and touch more to learn any concept easily. And this is what art classes do easily. They stimulate sight and touch by making children draw and participate in many various touch-based activities.

Helps their expression

Children get many ideas. Often, they cannot express themselves in words like adults. Art provides them a marvelous medium to express their ideas quickly. We must have seen drawing “Love you mamma”, “Love you papa” using cute pictures. It is a way of their expression of love towards you. Sending children to professional art classes will sharpen their expression skills and turn them into better individuals.

Promotes self-esteem

Children with good self-esteem can achieve many great things. Self-esteem is also important for children to deal with various situations such as bullying or loss of anything that they loved for. Art develops self-esteem in children easily. They can turn into strong individuals who can handle any situation in life with confidence.

Develops observation skills

Children who draw tend to observe more their physical surroundings. They take their subjects of art from the daily life objects and situations they find around themselves. Thus, teaching art to children turns them into better observers.

Promotes hand-eye coordination

While drawing kids use much coordination between hands and eyes. To grab the brushes, to check if the correct texture has been obtained, or to see the model and paint it on the sheet, etc. At many stages, they need more coordination, between hands and eyes. This is a good feature in terms of developing a child’s growth.

Helps their curiosity

Children observe many things to draw a figure or an art. They take a close look at many things with their little eyes and young minds to observe them. This answers their curiosity and lets them find answers to many things that are around them.

Promotes sharing and teamwork

While this benefit might not be directly from art, by sending them to group art classes, your child learns how to share their things with their buddies. In their process of learning art-making, they will observe other children, interact with them and take or offer their help, and do many things. Thus, they develop a sense of sharing and teamwork by attending art classes.


Art has the power to nurture the creativity, curiosity, and grasping power of children. Children who perform well at art can also understand science and math easily. They learn to share with others and also understand the power of taking and giving help. Their observation skills, expression levels, and self-esteem also boost finally. Therefore, in many ways, attending art classes develops their creativity.