
Nose Piercings – History, Types, Care


If you ever look into the nose piercing history, you will see that humans have been doing this practice for over 4000 years. Nose piercings symbolize numerous things for different cultures for centuries. People do this to wear nose jewelry. To learn more about this, read the below segment, as it has everything you need to know.

Types of nose piercing

Though nostril piercing is the most preferred and common type of piercing, there are other types too. You can select from the bridge, third eye, septril, and others. Here we have provided some common types to help you with your selection.

· Nostril piercing

As you learn from the above section, it is one of the common piercing types. It is simple to do, and you will obtain a wide range of jewelry alternatives with this type. According to Ayurvedic medicine, nostril piercing can assist in easing the discomfort of menstruation and birth in women.

· Third eye-piercing

Third eye-piercing is trending nowadays as it offers a unique appearance. It stretches vertically from the nose to bridge the forehead, and there is not much skin to grab. If you search by typing nose piercings near me on Google, you will find multiple of them. The professionals make two holes before inserting the needle. But this type of piercing is painful and susceptible to migration and infection. However, it is elegant, gorgeous, and distinctive.

• Rhino piercing

Like third eye piercing, it is also an example of the vertical piercing type. Rhino piercing is famous in African and South American tribal communities. However, it is now a trend in the West. It goes from the center bottom of the septum to beyond your nose tip. The name derives from rhino horn as it has similarity with it. This piercing process needs a needle and curved barbell, and the method is simple to execute. But the cartilage is complex, and that is why you must go to a renowned professional. They have experience and techniques that will help you to bypass unnecessary trauma.

• Septril piercing

It is probably the most complicated and critical nose piercing type. Septril piercing is rare to find, but it looks great if done accurately. In this process, a piercing artist inserts a needle from the bottom of the center of the septum.

• Septum piercing

If you search nose piercings near me on the internet, you will find a septum piercing option that looks amazing and ideal for both boys and girls. It has a unique advantage and gets hidden with ease if you select the appropriate jewelry. Septum piercing is quite popular among youngsters, and as a result, you will find many jewelry alternatives like subtle rings, thick gold rings, jeweled mandalas, and studded horseshoes.

Other popular types include

• Bridge piercing

• Austin Bar piercing

• Nasallang piercing

Care for nose piercing

Whatever nose piercing type you select, they demand frequent caring. Caring is crucial to protect yourself from infection. Therefore, read the below steps and take proper care of your nose piercing to evade further complications.

• Wash your hand adequately before touching the pierced zone.

• For cleaning the area, you can use a bulb syringe or cotton balls. After that, you need to apply a saline solution gently to that zone. Alternatively, you can also dip your nose into that solution for a few seconds. You can either purchase the solution or prepare it yourself. If you want to make it at your home, take 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of iodine-free sea salt into one cup of warm water.

• Then, you need to take disposable papers to dry the area. Remember, never use cloth or towels as they might harbor bacteria and snag on jewelry, thus resulting in injury. But if you have oily skin, you can take cotton pads to rub the area.

• Finally, you should drink plenty of water and maintain a good diet as well.